50% OFF Blinkist Coupon Codes 2025 (14 Active Codes)
Looking for a smarter way to read books and learn on the go? Check out Blinkist; the popular bitesize content app that provides key insights from the world’s best nonfiction books. And with our exclusive Blinkist coupon codes, you can now enjoy a 50% discount on any Blinkist subscription plan.
Verified Blinkist Coupon Codes
How To Apply Blinkist Coupon Codes?
Find lucrative deals and discounts on the Blinkist subscription with us. This is an opportunity not worth missing. To avail the discount, follow the steps given below:
- Choose a discount code from the range of Blinkist coupon codes available on our website.
- Carefully read the details for each coupon.
- Click on the ‘Get Code’ button.
- After that, a new window comes on your screen. Make sure the pop-up window blocker is disabled on your system.
- The code automatically copies to your clipboard.
- Proceed to the checkout page on the merchant’s website. Paste the discount code by clicking on the ‘Have a discount code?‘ link.
- Check the discount in the final payable amount.
- Enter payment details to complete the transaction and enjoy your savings.

T&Cs For Blinkist Coupon Codes
- All the coupons provided on our website are only for one-time use. You would need a unique discount code every time you want to make a purchase.
- The codes are applicable only on the official website of Blinkist.
- The Blinkist coupon codes cannot be combined with any other offer. However, for more information on this, you can refer to the official website of the merchant.
- Few discount codes are valid only on a particular plan and will not work on others.
- The validity of every discount code is limited.
- The merchant reserves the right to modify its policies without any prior information.
- Our team verifies the discount codes shared on our website. If you face any issues while using them, you can contact us (reviewsguides@gmail.com) for a resolution.
1. Is there a trial offer available?
Yes, you can avail of the 7-day trial offer. You are not charged any amount when you opt for the trial offer. Also, you are not bound to stay for the whole year. You can cancel the subscription anytime before the trial period expires. The trial offer is only available for a single time.
2. I am not able to avail any discount even after applying the discount code. What can I do?
If you are facing an issue, you are to verify a couple of things. Check for the validity of the coupon and also make sure that the code is applicable to the plan you are purchasing. If the problem still persists, you can contact our team for a quick resolution.
3. Can I upgrade my subscription from the monthly plan to the yearly plan?
Yes, you can upgrade your subscription from the monthly plan to the yearly plan. However, you can perform this up-gradation only when the monthly plan expires.
4. How to crosscheck the discount received by using the discount code?
You can confirm the same by referring to the final invoice. Also, on the checkout page, the revised amount is mentioned which includes the discount offered.
What Is Blinkist?
Blinkist is a subscription-based app that provides summaries of non-fiction books. The app offers condensed insights from thousands of best-selling books, making it easier for busy individuals to absorb knowledge quickly. Blinkist also offers audio versions of their summaries for those who prefer to listen instead of reading. The app has received positive reviews for its user-friendly interface and well-curated content. Subscribers can choose from a variety of plans, including an option to gift the service to others. The app also offers personalized recommendations based on a user’s reading habits. Blinkist is a convenient and efficient way to gain knowledge on the go, making it a popular choice for those looking to optimize their time and expand their knowledge.
The Blinkist app will let you manage reading time and allow you to identify the titles that you will like for further reading and the ones to avoid. Blinkist creates bitesize content, making it easier for people to fit reading and learning into their busy lives. Read our latest Blinkist App review and know more in detail.
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