How to Use AMZScout to Research Amazon Search Terms and Boost Sales?

Are you an Amazon seller using AMZScout aiming to boost your product visibility and sales? Understanding how to use AMZScout to research Amazon search terms can help you find visibility and optimize product pages.

AMZScout is a tool designed for Amazon sellers to simplify the process of finding the right keywords, optimizing product pages, doing successful product launches, identifying competitor keywords, ranking, and more. Learn why this tool is the top choice for Amazon sellers in our exclusive AMZScout review, where we highlight the top features, benefits, pricing, discounts, and more.

From setting up your account to utilizing advanced features, we’ll guide you through each step. Check out how to find out search volume, competitor strategies, and implementing keywords effectively. By the end, you’ll be equipped to optimize your product listings, stay ahead of the competition, and make data-driven decisions for a successful Amazon journey. It is by far one of the best Amazon product research tools on the internet.

How Amazon is Helping Sellers?

If you haven’t checked out search analytics dashboards on Amazon yet, let me explain. These dashboards give sellers insights into how well their products are doing and how customers are finding them on Amazon.

The search catalog performance dashboard and search query performance dashboard can help you understand your sales journey at both the brand and product levels. They show where you might be losing customers or having trouble converting sales. This data helps you make quick business decisions and tweak your product listings or marketing efforts as needed.

Use AMZScout to research Amazon search terms and also grab some gold insights from the Amazon search analytics dashboard to improve business decision-making significantly. This intern helps sellers estimate sales using AMZScout features.

Importance of Researching Amazon Search Terms

If you use AMZScout to research Amazon search terms, there could be several reasons, particularly for sellers looking to maximize their visibility and sales on the platform:

  1. Improved Visibility and Ranking: Understanding and using relevant search terms increases the likelihood of your product appearing in search results when customers look for related items. This, in turn, improves your product’s visibility.
  2. Targeted Traffic: By optimizing your product listings with the right keywords, you attract more targeted traffic. This means that the people who find and click on your product are more likely to be interested in making a purchase.
  3. Competitive Advantage: Effective keyword research helps you identify and capitalize on niche markets and opportunities. By targeting specific, less competitive keywords, you can gain a competitive advantage over other sellers in your niche.
  4. Optimized Ad Campaigns: If you’re running Amazon PPC (Pay-Per-Click) advertising campaigns, knowing the most effective search terms allows you to create targeted ads. This can result in higher conversion rates and a better return on investment for your advertising spend.
  5. Enhanced Product Listings: Researching search terms enables you to create more informative and persuasive product listings. By incorporating relevant keywords into your titles, bullet points, and descriptions, you improve the overall quality and relevance of your content.
  6. Understanding Customer Behavior: Analyzing search terms provides insights into customer behavior and preferences. You can identify popular trends, customer needs, and emerging market demands, allowing you to adapt your product offerings accordingly.
  7. Adaptation to Algorithm Changes: Amazon’s search algorithm is dynamic and can change. Regular keyword research helps you stay updated with any shifts in the algorithm, allowing you to adjust your strategy to maintain or improve your rankings.
  8. Optimized Product Launches: When launching a new product, understanding the most relevant and high-performing keywords is crucial. This helps your product gain visibility quickly, especially during the initial stages when building momentum is essential.
  9. Maximized Sales Potential: Ultimately, effective keyword research contributes to increased sales. By aligning your product listings with the terms customers are actively searching for, you maximize the chances of converting those searches into sales.

In summary, researching Amazon search terms is an activity that directly impacts your product’s discoverability, competitiveness, and overall success on the platform. It allows you to align your content with customer intent and ensures that your products are presented to the right audience at the right time.

How to Use AMZScout to Research Amazon Search Terms?

If you’re keen on outsmarting the competition and boosting your Amazon product’s visibility, the AMZScout Chrome Extension is your secret weapon. This nifty tool not only simplifies the process but offers a glimpse into your competitors’ strategies. Let’s break down the steps to harness its power.

Explore Competitors’ Keywords

  • Start by searching for a relevant term, such as “baby crib wedge.”
  • With a click on “Get Keywords,” the AMZScout Chrome Extension unveils the back-end keywords of the selected listing.
  • Export this list to CSV and repeat the process for multiple listings on the first search page. Now you’ve got a curated list of successful keywords, leveraging the groundwork of your competitors.
how to use amzscout to research amazon search terms

Check Customer Feedback

  • After the initial keyword search, find customer reviews for a deeper understanding.
  • Take notes on common themes, words, and phrases. This direct insight into customer needs goes beyond what competitors have captured.
  • This step not only adds nuance to your keyword arsenal but gives you an edge over competitors who may have missed these customer-centric keywords.

Refine Keywords

  • Head to AMZScout’s web app and utilize the Keyword Explorer.
  • Combine the keywords from customer reviews with those from the Chrome Extension to explore their search volumes.
  • Export this refined list to an Excel file and repeat the process for all unique keywords found in competitor listings and customer reviews.
amazon product terms search volume

Analyze & Organize

  • Merge all data into a single Excel file and sort it by search volume. This analytical approach provides clarity on the top-performing keywords.
  • Although time-consuming, this meticulous process lays the foundation for a successful Amazon venture. The effort invested now pays off in the form of enhanced search rankings and profitability later.

Create SEO-Friendly Listing

In the competitive space of Amazon selling, investing the effort upfront can pave the way for long-term success. AMZScout’s tools empower you to unravel your competitors’ secrets, tap into customer insights, and strategically position your product for optimal performance.

  • Armed with a comprehensive list of top keywords, you’re ready to create an SEO-friendly listing that resonates with your target audience.
  • This strategic approach positions your product for an ascent in search rankings, ultimately leading to increased visibility and sales.

With a well-curated list of keywords from AMZScout, crafting a high-converting and SEO-optimized Amazon listing becomes the key to success. By seamlessly integrating crucial phrases from customer reviews and competitors, your listing resonates with the end user, driving conversion rates and boosting search rankings.

If you use AMZScout to research Amazon search terms you can get insights on strategically placing the most important terms in the title, bullets, descriptions, and back-end search terms. The emphasis on top-performing Amazon search terms ensures broad visibility within your niche, and attention to customer reviews aligns your product description with consumer needs, fostering high conversion rates. This positive feedback loop, fueled by meticulous SEO research, establishes the foundation for sustained success on Amazon. Check out more details about AMZScout here.


What role does customer feedback play in Amazon search term research?

Customer feedback serves as a valuable resource for identifying important keywords that may not be captured by competitors. By analyzing reviews for common themes and phrases, sellers gain direct insight into customer preferences, enhancing their keyword strategy.

How can AMZScout’s Keyword Explorer contribute to crafting the perfect listing?

AMZScout’s Keyword Explorer, available in the web app, helps sellers refine their keyword list by exploring search volumes. By combining keywords from customer reviews and the Chrome Extension, sellers can assess the popularity of terms and export a refined list for effective listing optimization.

How do I install the AMZScout Chrome Extension?

To install the AMZScout Chrome Extension, visit the Chrome Web Store, search for “AMZScout,” and click “Add to Chrome.” Follow the prompts to complete the installation. Check out our complete guide on how to use AMZScout Chrome extension.

Is there a limit to the number of keywords I can export using AMZScout?

The export limit may vary depending on your subscription plan. Check your account details or contact AMZScout’s support for specific information about export limits.

How often should I update my search terms using AMZScout for optimal results?

Regular updates are recommended to stay abreast of market trends and algorithm changes. Depending on the pace of your niche, consider updating your keywords every few weeks or as needed.

Are there any system requirements for using AMZScout?

AMZScout is a web-based tool and is compatible with most modern browsers. Ensure your browser is up-to-date, and you have a stable internet connection for optimal performance. Check out our exclusive article on how to use AMZScout web app to learn more about compatibility, requirements, and more.

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