How to Find Best Native Ad Placements With AdPlexity Native?

Native advertising has emerged as a powerful marketing strategy, seamlessly integrating promotional content into the user experience. However, finding the right placements can be a challenge. Enter Adplexity Native, a competitive intelligence tool designed to streamline this process. In this blog, we’ll explore how to find best native ad placements using Adplexity Native.

By leveraging competitor insights and performance metrics, you’ll learn to identify profitable placements, optimize campaigns, and stay ahead of the curve in the dynamic world of native advertising. Check more about AdPlexity here.

What Are Native Ads?

Native placements are ads that blend in with the platform they’re on, so they don’t stick out like traditional ads. Instead of standing out, they fit right in with the content around them. This makes them feel more natural and less like an interruption to users. It’s like they’re a part of the platform, which can help keep users interested and engaged for longer.

Types of Native Ads

  • In-feed Ads: These appear within the user’s feed on social media platforms or content discovery networks, mirroring the style and format of organic posts.
  • Recommendation Widgets: Found on websites or at the bottom of articles, these widgets suggest sponsored content based on the user’s browsing history or interests.
  • Sponsored Content: Also known as advertorials or native articles, sponsored content resembles editorial content but is created by advertisers to promote their products or services.
  • Promoted Listings: Commonly seen on e-commerce platforms, promoted listings showcase sponsored products alongside organic search results, increasing their visibility to potential buyers.

How to Find Best Native Ad Placements Using Adplexity Native?

To understand the right way to place native ads you’ll need platform data, and competitor data. Adplexity uses the following 4 features to give you the right mix of insights for native ad placements.

  1. Competitor Analysis: Adplexity allows users to monitor competitors’ native advertising campaigns across various platforms. Users can analyze ad creatives, landing pages, and traffic sources used by competitors to understand what works best in their niche.
  2. Search Filters: Adplexity offers advanced search filters that allow users to narrow down their search based on specific criteria such as traffic source, device type, GEO location, and more. This helps users identify relevant native placements that match their target audience and campaign objectives.
  3. Performance Metrics: Adplexity provides performance metrics such as ad engagement, click-through rates, and conversion rates for analyzed campaigns. By analyzing these metrics, users can identify high-performing native placements and optimize their own campaigns accordingly.
  4. Trend Identification: Adplexity helps users stay updated on industry trends and emerging strategies by providing insights into successful native advertising campaigns. By analyzing trends and patterns, users can adapt their strategies and capitalize on new opportunities in the native advertising landscape.

Checkout our Adplexity review to learn more about the pricing, advantages, limitations and versions like Mobile, Desktop, Native, Push and more.

Now, let’s find out how to find the best native ad placements using Adplexity Native.

Setup Your Adplexity Native Account

  • Register for an Adplexity Native account and complete the sign-up process.
  • Familiarize yourself with the platform’s dashboard and navigation menu.

Set The Right Filters

  • Filter the ads for dates. For example, you might want to select ads that are running at an optimized duration of 21 days.
  • Filter the source of your traffic
  • Select the “received most traffic” filter to sort ads that are driving the most traffic

Analyze Competitor Campaign

  • Observe the filtered ads and common nature. For example, the below highlighted ads show a common nature of a health concern related to ear.
adplexity competitor ads
  • Pay close attention to performance metrics such as engagement rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates associated with different native placements.

Read our detailed guide on how to spy on your competitors’ ads using AdPlexity to stay ahed in the game.

Create Your Ad & Run Campaign

  • Apply insights from Adplexity Native’s competitor analysis to inform your own campaign strategy.
  • Optimize ad creatives, messaging, and targeting based on successful examples observed on Adplexity Native.
adplexity campaigns
  • Continuously monitor campaign performance, test different placements and targeting, and stay adaptive to evolving market trends to drive success with your native advertising.


What platforms does Adplexity Native support?

Adplexity Native supports various native advertising platforms, including but not limited to, social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, content discovery networks like Taboola and Outbrain, and native ad exchanges. The platform continuously updates its support for new and emerging native advertising platforms.

What types of data does Adplexity Native provide?

Adplexity Native provides a wealth of data related to native advertising campaigns, including ad creatives, landing pages, traffic sources, performance metrics (such as click-through rates, conversion rates), and targeting parameters used by advertisers. Users can also access historical data to track campaign performance over time.

Can I track competitor campaigns across different traffic sources with Adplexity Native?

Yes, Adplexity Native provides insights into competitor campaigns across various traffic sources, including social media platforms, content discovery networks, and native ad exchanges. Users can analyze traffic distribution, source quality, and campaign performance across different channels.

Is there any coupon or discount available to buy Adplexity Native?

Yes. Checkout our Adplexity Native Coupon Codes and get a 35% OFF on the subscription.

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